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My best life!
Written at 16:46 on Thursday, January 23, 2014 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

Hello everyone, I am back on this place!!!

It feels like i was a gazillion years away from blogger, and I never ever thought I'll be back here typing and typing and well, typing.

But yoohoo my (non-existent) fellow blog readers, I am back!

Yeah, back to talk to air cause I've privated my blog and allowed a grand total of ZERO readers to read it.
It's called private for a reason yeah.

Just back to share with no one about my glamorous life that I cant put down :)

Been working at this really posh and atas place called Fullerton Hotel (as if) , as a measly poor worker called a waitress. My job basically, is to well wait on people.
But I've recently met the nicest co-workers coupled with an amazingly sweet supervisor so work hasnt been dreadful and hateful and all things sad and bad.

I've met the nicest chef (trust me, all the other chefs are all either annoyed 100% of the time, or annoyed 100% of the time) ((no joke, the nice chef told me herself)), she's on her internship learning the art of chinese cuisine haha, I dont remember Singapore having a very rich and vibrant side of chinese cuisine, but apart from all that, she was the only chef to smile at me despite not even knowing me.

She's the cutest chef, really. :))

(Behind the scenes of a hotel is not a very glamorous place, contrary to popular belief. )

But I've met a really nice malay-not-malay guy whom I worked with, and he's a pleasant co-worker, because firstly he'll offer to help, (unlike everyone else I've worked with) and he's considered normal among the colourful people of the restaurant crew.

Why did i say malay-not-malay because he doesnt consider himself as a malay (but in the end, he will still have to admit he is one, no? ) , because of certain things he has seen about malays in singapore.
He didnt elaborate much, and I didnt ask much because I think its kind of sensitive haha.
But he's the first malay-not-malay guy I've met, and well contrary to popular beliefs about malays, he is nothing like they say.

But however, I've only seen one side of him so I still cant say too much yet.
Regardless, work has been pretty fine, even when I dreaded to go to work.

But at the end of the day, if I have a choice, I'll rather be in church than at work. Any day, any time.
Church is the home I never had.


From the rooftops, sing!
Written at 02:05 on Sunday, May 12, 2013 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

Amazing day today, served on usher(very last dutyyyy) officially completed BMT woohoo (: 
Gonna miss my UM ): 

Dinner w family today woohoo .
Japanese steamboat ~


Food for thought
Written at 23:28 on Thursday, April 25, 2013 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

"If you studied biology, you would have learnt about DNA. DNA are like instruction code manuals, where it provides step by step instruction of how to make things. In this case, everything in out body. Your internal body your hair, your nose, your face, your muscles, your skeletons etc. And everybody's instruction codes are different, we are all unique. But lets go deeper.

You might also have learnt what makes our DNA. And basically you have same few molecules in everybody's DNA. But what makes us who we are? If we have the same molecules, then why are we different? Why dont we look the same?

Simple. It is because of the four nucleotides which are in different sequences which makes us different.

Let's say we want to make an egg omelette. People have different recipes, but they will all turn out to be omelettes. But somehow they look and taste different. Same concept for this, we are all humans with similar features, but our 'nucleotides' define us. The arrangement and sequence of these in our DNA defines us, it makes us who we are. And what are these things ?

They are Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. In short, most people say AGTC.
And what do these letters form?
All Glory To Christ.

Embedded in our DNA, are His words to us, that He wonderfully created us.

Deep in my DNA, is my destiny. "


A thousand hallelujahs,
Written at 22:14 on Saturday, March 16, 2013 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

exhausting term with disappointing results but im not gonna let them put me down (: (cause i wont fall, i am titanium) watch me as i jump back up (:

carnival just over, was quite enjoyable (: spent the morning(i didnt go for the walk) settling cca booth, playing songs w bell, before getting a hairspray, vic offering me a cupcake and hj giving me a mini lemon and walking around w bell.
Afternoon went down to church w grace for photoshoot, went back and went around w aligoh and went air rifle shooting, then watched dance's flashmob, Grace joined us in walking around, played some games.
Evening watched lucky draw, cleaned the area w wong, then dinner w grace ali wong lim hj. Extremely hilarious gosh. All in all a good day (:

Tomorrow going to be amazing too! (: holidays i will utilise all the time i have and plan it all out. I am all set to do many things this hols. LETS GO.

I'm living my best life~


The time has come to stand for all we believe in,
Written at 19:22 on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

2nd Feb
Ali's 16!
Surprised her at bugis w Aston.
Steamboated (even before CNY ugh) and shopped!
 Then went to Bugis + .
I love that place the grass there~

 Couldnt stop rolling and lying and the rest got annoyed w me :'D

Xinni came and we kino-ed while waiting for grace.
Then I left (:

8th Feb
Now that thats done, this cny week!!
School till thurs lalala, friday YAY CNY celeb tribed tee w tribe.

 The only photo that shows us in our shirts HAHA

Concert in school YAY we won 3rd for class board after all the work we put in (':
CIPed then 18 chef -ed with thy class, like a legit class lunch cause about 24 people showed up and  we have 31 people in our class (:

ECP w BW10!!
Cycling outing was really enjoyable, and we cycled through the rain and storm.
(This shows that we will stick tgt through rain and storm HAHAHA)
No pictures (sadly) ):

Then over to Amanda's for council reunion, where we watched ABTM!
All in a good (but tiring) day (':

9th Feb
Reunion dinner at Ahma's!
Played w my cousin hoho.

10th Feb
Bainian at Ahma's in the afternoon, headed over to aunt's at night!

11th Feb
Charm and Grace came over :D

(so glamorous)
Steamboated w them, talking about our future and life (:
Grace had to leave first, while charm stayed till 12 :D
We watched tangled halfway but she had to leave ):
Watched naruto with my brother till 3 YAY

12th Feb
Alicia's with aston and waimin was really epic :D
Watched a funny show and i forgot the title of and they ruined my lunch (THANKS WAIMIN) and aston became spiderman (Y)

All in all a good week :D

(test+school tmr such a wet blanket and anti climax)


Author of salvation,
Written at 01:09 on Saturday, February 2, 2013 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

A really good day today (:
After this hectic week I think today was really a sigh of relief, and all that burden is just gone (:
For starters I get to sleep 9 hours HAHA woke up and look at twitter and all the sec fours just tweeting about how they are all rolling in bed HAHA
A well deserved rest I say. 
Can we have more PTCs please. (Since my parents never ever turn up for them)
Met grace qq at 85 for lunch and went to fetch a very lost xinni :'D 
In school and nua until time to meet Mr Poh, got back an alarming results slip that had extreme highs and lows and then nua w charm and went for lit extra lesson.
Time flies in lit lesson because Ms Tay is so captivating in her lessons I dont even realise time is up (:
Hooray for Ms Tay!
CCA-ed and it was good to be playing tgt (': 
SYF feels setting in!
Met up w them:

(really like this picture so i had to steal it from xinni's insta)

The rest left while me and xinni waited for PT while talking about OCIP sunsets and taking pictures.
We sang too, Mighty to save and heart of worship (': 
I guess we just talked about everything about OCIP since we were tgt 99% of the time during the trip. 
And all the memories flooded back. And the sunsets.
And there was a pretty sunset today so it added to it all.
I guess OCIP was an experience that I missed so much, and treasure really deeply in my heart.
 (imagine im actually not in the picture and thats our bunk. I miss our bunk so much~ )
 A bus ride I cannot remember why we were there.

 At airport I think (':
 Me and the cool victoria :'D

 Me and xinni in bunk i think (:
 I think we were watching a match. :o
 At the meal/gathering area (:
 meimenghe (':
 Teaching; blur little one w nic (':
 Was it airport (':
 Council girls!
 meimenghe (:
 At the lunch place after we left huizhongpo (':
 After dinner when we played w kids
 After a lunch at meimenghe (:

So many memories although i cannot remember everything in details but I remember what it all felt like (:
I miss that place and that bunch of people (':

Then dinner w PT @carls jr!
Talking about OCIP bears juncheng's memory and keys (:

Legit meeting after like 3 months HAHA

I think while in school waiting for PT talking to xinni and singing was so insignificant, yet the peaceful environment, the sunset, the beauty of the whole place and the feeling of remembering the good old days made my day (': 
Really a beautiful day (:

Darling darling grace;


When the music fades, and all is stripped away,
Written at 15:58 on Saturday, January 26, 2013 | Free your thoughts? / 0 brave souls spoke out/ +FOLLOW

Good reads of 2012

(uglies pretties specials and extras were really good books set in the future that i really enjoyed)

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Where love is a disease.

The fault in our stars by John Green
Honestly one of the best book I've read last year.

Perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Really, really good book ( and i havent watched the movieee)


Vampire Academy by Stephenie Meyer
(my all time favourite series heehee one of the best romance books I've read)

And more books ofcourse like incredibly fast and extremely close, all the other john green books, thirteen reasons why, nicholas sparks books, time travellers wife, her fearful symmetry, many many more. (:
Reading makes me happy (:


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